If you would like to have codes voided (with or without credit), please contact the Client Success team.

  • Voiding a code (without credit): Voiding a code only removes the code from your view and it will not show up in search results. The money (credits) used to create the code are not refunded to the account. 

  • Voiding a code (with credit): If you need to request that a code be voided with credit, please contact the Client Success team who can take care of this for you.  For transactional clients, there is a maximum of 20 codes per cycle year that can be voided with credit.

If I void a code, does the money go back into the account?

No, voiding a code only removes the code from your view and it will not show up in search results. The money (credits) used to create the code are not refunded to the account. Please contact Client Success if you have questions on refunding credits.